Background Plant Collection
Showing 97–112 of 116 results
Papaver laciniatum ‘Pink with Purple Blotch’
Papaver laciniatum ‘PomPom Lilac’
Papaver laciniatum ‘Qis Bowling Ball’
Papaver laciniatum ‘Single Pink’
Papaver laciniatum ‘Single Plum’
Papaver laciniatum ‘White Cloud’
Papaver rhoeas ‘Amazing Gray’
Papaver rhoeas ‘Mother of Pearl’
Papaver rhoeas ‘Pandora’
Papaver rhoeas ‘Raspberry Ripple’
Papaver rhoeas ‘Supreme’
Polygonum orientale ‘Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate’
Ricinus communis gibsonii ‘Castor Bean Dark Red’
Tagetes erecta ‘Bali Orange’
Tagetes erecta ‘Bali Yellow’
Tagetes erecta ‘Kees’s Orange’