Tomato ‘Solar Flare’


Beefsteak, Red with Gold Stripes, Very Meaty with Luscious Sweet Red Tomato Flavor. F-7 Cross from Beauty King, selected for flavor, “WOW” Factor, production, increased earliness, scab resistance.  Mid / Early Season, full body red, slightly sweet. Indeterminate
Care: Plant 24-36″ apart in rows 3-4′ apart in full sun. Plants grow 4-8′ tall; provide a cage or trellis.

Beefsteak, Red with Gold Stripes, Very Meaty with Luscious Sweet Red Tomato Flavor. F-7 Cross from Beauty King, selected for flavor, “WOW” Factor, production, increased earliness, scab resistance.  Mid / Early Season, full body red, slightly sweet. Indeterminate
Care: Plant 24-36″ apart in rows 3-4′ apart in full sun. Plants grow 4-8′ tall; provide a cage or trellis.


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