Beet ‘Alto’


63 days. Deep red, 4-5 inches long. Cylindrical shape and smooth skin make it easy to clean and peel with uniform slicing. Free from ‘rings.’ Sweetest of flavors. High in polynutrients. Photo courtesy of Territorial Seed.
Care: Space transplants 3” apart in rows 12-18” apart. Full sun and well-drained soil.

Fall Harvest variety

Late-season vegetables adapted to tolerate both the heat of late summer and the cool nights of fall. Harvest in late summer or fall. See our Fall & Winter Vegetable Guide for specific planting/harvest times & freeze-out temperatures.

63 days. Deep red, 4-5 inches long. Cylindrical shape and smooth skin make it easy to clean and peel with uniform slicing. Free from ‘rings.’ Sweetest of flavors. High in polynutrients. Photo courtesy of Territorial Seed.
Care: Space transplants 3” apart in rows 12-18” apart. Full sun and well-drained soil.

Fall Harvest variety

Late-season vegetables adapted to tolerate both the heat of late summer and the cool nights of fall. Harvest in late summer or fall. See our Fall & Winter Vegetable Guide for specific planting/harvest times & freeze-out temperatures.