Log Houseplants
Showing 1–16 of 27 results
Homalocladium ‘Ribbons and Curls’
Peperomia prostrata String of Turtles
Plectranthus ‘Ducksfoot’
Senecio pergrinus String of Dolphins
Senecio radicans String of Bananas
Setcresea purpurea ‘Purple Heart’
Setcresea purpurea variegata ‘Variegated Purple Heart’
Streptocarpus ‘Blue Ice’ Ladyslippers
Streptocarpus ‘Blue White Center’ Ladyslippers
Streptocarpus ‘Deep Blue Vein’ Ladyslippers
Streptocarpus ‘Grape Ice’ Ladyslippers
Streptocarpus ‘Red Bicolor’ Ladyslippers
Streptocarpus ‘Strawberry Ice’ Ladyslippers
Streptocarpus ‘White Ice’ Ladyslippers
Streptocarpus ‘Yellow Pink Cap’ Ladyslippers
Streptocarpus ‘Yellow with Blue Eye’ Ladyslippers