Senecio pergrinus String of Dolphins


String of Dolphins is a cross-pollination of Senecio Rowleyanus (String of Pearls) and Senecio Articulatus (hot dog cactus). Growing up to 6″ tall from the pot, it can trail to 3 feet long. Prefers indirect light but can tolerate morning sun. Like most succulents, String of Dolphins likes well-drained soil (don’t overwater). Photo courtesy of Dummen Orange.

String of Dolphins is a cross-pollination of Senecio Rowleyanus (String of Pearls) and Senecio Articulatus (hot dog cactus). Growing up to 6″ tall from the pot, it can trail to 3 feet long. Prefers indirect light but can tolerate morning sun. Like most succulents, String of Dolphins likes well-drained soil (don’t overwater). Photo courtesy of Dummen Orange.