Squash (Winter) ‘Winter Sweet’ kabocha


Winter Sweet delivers a combination of sweetness, flaky texture, and depth of flavor. It keeps very well in storage thanks to high resistance to black rot. Fruits avg. 4-5 lb., are light gray with a charcoal mottle, and the color resists fading. Best eating quality between 2 and 5 months after harvest. Very favorite of Alex Stone, OSU’s squash expert.

Care: Plant 5-6’ apart in rows 8-10’ apart.  Harvest when rind hardens. Fertile, well-drained soil.

Winter Sweet delivers a combination of sweetness, flaky texture, and depth of flavor. It keeps very well in storage thanks to high resistance to black rot. Fruits avg. 4-5 lb., are light gray with a charcoal mottle, and the color resists fading. Best eating quality between 2 and 5 months after harvest. Very favorite of Alex Stone, OSU’s squash expert.

Care: Plant 5-6’ apart in rows 8-10’ apart.  Harvest when rind hardens. Fertile, well-drained soil.


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