Raspberry ‘Caroline’ (Rubus idaeus)


Huge crops of firm red berries. Taste great whether you’re eating them fresh, freezing for later or making preserves. Cold-hardy. Fall-bearing (everbearing) primocane with a summer crop. Self-pollinating. Raspberries are biennials that perform best in full sun with plenty of water and a good fertilizing when blooms begin. For best results, cut down all fruited canes to ground level at the end of the season. Photo courtesy of Pense Berry.


Huge crops of firm red berries. Taste great whether you’re eating them fresh, freezing for later or making preserves. Cold-hardy. Fall-bearing (everbearing) primocane with a summer crop. Self-pollinating. Raspberries are biennials that perform best in full sun with plenty of water and a good fertilizing when blooms begin. For best results, cut down all fruited canes to ground level at the end of the season. Photo courtesy of Pense Berry.
