Papaver laciniatum ‘Qis Bowling Ball’


Fleeting, pink-petaled blooms fade to developing the enormous pods on sturdy, 36–48 inch tall stems. The largest poppy flowers, these poppies have very large seed pods; they can be the size of a baseball. The seed pods are prized for floral arrangements and are chock-full of tiny blue-gray, brown or white seeds that are perfect for bread making and baking. Tender perennial or annual in cold climates. Full to part sun. Photo courtesy of Territorial Seed.

Fleeting, pink-petaled blooms fade to developing the enormous pods on sturdy, 36–48 inch tall stems. The largest poppy flowers, these poppies have very large seed pods; they can be the size of a baseball. The seed pods are prized for floral arrangements and are chock-full of tiny blue-gray, brown or white seeds that are perfect for bread making and baking. Tender perennial or annual in cold climates. Full to part sun. Photo courtesy of Territorial Seed.