Lettuce ‘Salanova Red Tango’ oakleaf


Convenient & delicious breakthrough lettuce! Lofty, tango type leaflets with an impressive dark red color. Softer texture with a crisp midrib reminiscent of a red leaf lettuce. Deep incising and thin petioles for uniform harvest with minimal cut surface area. A little slower to mature than other red one-cuts, but with that comes slower bolting and less bitterness than other red one-cuts. High resistance to downy mildew. 55 days from transplant. Photo courtesy of Johnny’s Seed.

Care: Plant 12-16″ apart in rows 16-18″ apart in a mostly sunny area.

Convenient & delicious breakthrough lettuce! Lofty, tango type leaflets with an impressive dark red color. Softer texture with a crisp midrib reminiscent of a red leaf lettuce. Deep incising and thin petioles for uniform harvest with minimal cut surface area. A little slower to mature than other red one-cuts, but with that comes slower bolting and less bitterness than other red one-cuts. High resistance to downy mildew. 55 days from transplant. Photo courtesy of Johnny’s Seed.

Care: Plant 12-16″ apart in rows 16-18″ apart in a mostly sunny area.