Kiwi arguta ‘Issai’ (self-fertilizing)


Smooth-skinned green fruit are the size of grapes and taste like a sweet tropical kiwi, without the fuzzy skin. This hardy kiwi has the added benefit of being able to set fruit without a cross-pollinator so you only need one plant, making it ideal for small gardens or landscapes. Issai is a more compact vine than other hardy kiwis. Grow in full sun with a trellis or other support. Flowers and fruits form on last year’s growth. Hardy to zone 4. Text courtesy of Logee’s.

Kiwi Issai

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Smooth-skinned green fruit are the size of grapes and taste like a sweet tropical kiwi, without the fuzzy skin. This hardy kiwi has the added benefit of being able to set fruit without a cross-pollinator so you only need one plant, making it ideal for small gardens or landscapes. Issai is a more compact vine than other hardy kiwis. Grow in full sun with a trellis or other support. Flowers and fruits form on last year’s growth. Hardy to zone 4. Text courtesy of Logee’s.

Kiwi Issai