Cucumber ‘Gateway’ Slicing


A very vigorous plant which produces beautiful, dark green, high quality 8.5-9″ fruit. This hybrid has intermediate resistance to downy mildew and all around excellent disease resistance. These plants stay healthy for a long time. Matures in 55 days.
Care: Space 2-3′ apart in all directions. Cukes need heat and well-drained soil: plant in full sun in raised beds or hills.

A very vigorous plant which produces beautiful, dark green, high quality 8.5-9″ fruit. This hybrid has intermediate resistance to downy mildew and all around excellent disease resistance. These plants stay healthy for a long time. Matures in 55 days.
Care: Space 2-3′ apart in all directions. Cukes need heat and well-drained soil: plant in full sun in raised beds or hills.


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