Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Apollo Lovesong’ F1


Dwarf plants with feathery, fern-like foliage and large, 4-inch daisy-shaped flowers with strong petals grab attention and brighten sunny gardens and containers. Includes pink, pink picotee and white blooms. Ideal for an early splash of color. Regular deadheading may prolong flowering period. Grows to 26 inches. Full sun. Image courtesy of Ball Seed.

Dwarf plants with feathery, fern-like foliage and large, 4-inch daisy-shaped flowers with strong petals grab attention and brighten sunny gardens and containers. Includes pink, pink picotee and white blooms. Ideal for an early splash of color. Regular deadheading may prolong flowering period. Grows to 26 inches. Full sun. Image courtesy of Ball Seed.