Chokeberry ‘Aron’ (Aronia x prunifolia)


From April to May, Aron has dense clusters of pretty, pink-tinged white blooms with a gentle fragrance. The blooms are followed by spherical wine-black berries that persist on the stems long after the foliage has fallen, even through the winter. Like all Aronia, this Danish selection of Chokeberry has superb autumn color in vibrant shades of red and purple. With a compact, spreading habit, this deciduous shrub makes a colorful specimen for borders and woodland edges. The fruit is antioxidant-rich and wonderful for jams, preserves, wine and baking. Its winter berries are highly regarded by birds as a valuable food source. Height: 5’ Loves full sun but tolerates partial shade. Cold hardy. Ripens in September. Self-pollinating.


From April to May, Aron has dense clusters of pretty, pink-tinged white blooms with a gentle fragrance. The blooms are followed by spherical wine-black berries that persist on the stems long after the foliage has fallen, even through the winter. Like all Aronia, this Danish selection of Chokeberry has superb autumn color in vibrant shades of red and purple. With a compact, spreading habit, this deciduous shrub makes a colorful specimen for borders and woodland edges. The fruit is antioxidant-rich and wonderful for jams, preserves, wine and baking. Its winter berries are highly regarded by birds as a valuable food source. Height: 5’ Loves full sun but tolerates partial shade. Cold hardy. Ripens in September. Self-pollinating.
