Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Carousel® Giant Red’ (‘Tahi05’)


The Hibiscus Carousel® series features varieties with deeply incised and dark purple foliage, an abundance of large flowers, a bushy growth habit and low maintenance. Its flowers have an impressive diameter of 6-7″! Hibiscus Carousel® Giant Red has large, deep red flowers. Prune in spring. It prefers full sun and rich, moist soil. It performs great in containers. Also very good for plant borders, mass planting and combined planting. Grows 3-4 feet with a 2-3 foot spread. Hardy to Zone 5. Photo courtesy of Meridian Young.
Hibiscus Carousel Giant Red-FC

The Hibiscus Carousel® series features varieties with deeply incised and dark purple foliage, an abundance of large flowers, a bushy growth habit and low maintenance. Its flowers have an impressive diameter of 6-7″! Hibiscus Carousel® Giant Red has large, deep red flowers. Prune in spring. It prefers full sun and rich, moist soil. It performs great in containers. Also very good for plant borders, mass planting and combined planting. Grows 3-4 feet with a 2-3 foot spread. Hardy to Zone 5. Photo courtesy of Meridian Young.
Hibiscus Carousel Giant Red-FC