Wintergreen ‘Winter Splash’ variegated Gaultheria procumbens


Add a splash of color to your understory with the first ever variegated wintergreen, with touches of  purples and pinks. Winter Splash still produces the tasty and unique wintergreen berries in great profusion but with the backdrop of variegated leaves, each one a miniature masterpiece. A great addition for shady spots but will turn a more purplish pink color in sunnier conditions. Growing to about 6″ tall, it will spread slowly to a foot or more in diameter. Likes filtered shade and moist, well-drained, acidic soil. Photo courtesy of One Green World.

Add a splash of color to your understory with the first ever variegated wintergreen, with touches of  purples and pinks. Winter Splash still produces the tasty and unique wintergreen berries in great profusion but with the backdrop of variegated leaves, each one a miniature masterpiece. A great addition for shady spots but will turn a more purplish pink color in sunnier conditions. Growing to about 6″ tall, it will spread slowly to a foot or more in diameter. Likes filtered shade and moist, well-drained, acidic soil. Photo courtesy of One Green World.