Turtlehead is a native American perennial that grows on the edges of swamps, rivers, and wet wood. Clusters of pink flowers bloom in late summer on the 2-4 foot tall plants. Best in sun to part shade, moist soil. Roots may spread.
Traditional Healing Uses: Turtlehead tea has been traditionally used as a remedy for jaundice, fever, liver diseases, dyspepsia, gallstones, worms, and as an appetite stimulant. Turtlehead ointment has been applied to inflamed breasts, piles, herpes, boils, and ulcers.
Harvest: Collect and dry leaves and flowering tops while plants are in bloom.
Preparation: Pour 1 cup of boiling water on 2 teaspoons of dried herb and infuse 10-15 minutes, 3 times a day.
Caution: Turtlehead is a laxative. Use in moderation.