Raspberry ‘Vintage’ (Rubus idaeus)


A super-sweet, everbearing raspberry developed in Corvallis, Oregon. Yields tons of firm, bright red fruit with outstanding flavor. First year fruit (primocanes) appears in late summer. Second year (floricanes) fruit arrives earlier in the summer. Vintage benefits from a trellis or some other kind of support. USDA Zones 4-7. Grows 5-6 feet tall with a 3-4 foot spread. Self-pollinating. Raspberries are biennials that perform best in full sun with plenty of water and a good fertilizing when blooms begin. For best results, cut down all fruited canes to ground level at the end of the season. Photo courtesy of Nature Hills.

A super-sweet, everbearing raspberry developed in Corvallis, Oregon. Yields tons of firm, bright red fruit with outstanding flavor. First year fruit (primocanes) appears in late summer. Second year (floricanes) fruit arrives earlier in the summer. Vintage benefits from a trellis or some other kind of support. USDA Zones 4-7. Grows 5-6 feet tall with a 3-4 foot spread. Self-pollinating. Raspberries are biennials that perform best in full sun with plenty of water and a good fertilizing when blooms begin. For best results, cut down all fruited canes to ground level at the end of the season. Photo courtesy of Nature Hills.