The Potato Onion, also known as Nesting Onions or Multiplier Onions, is a member of the onion family that is reproduced primarily by division of bulbs. Continuously harvested permaculture onion once established. Similar to shallots, Potato Onions have a sharper flavor and store better. Large bulbs range from ½”-2″and can be replanted indefinitely making them more manageable than biennial onions which must be grown from seed each year. They do best in humus rich, well-drained soil and are well suited to container gardening. Photo courtesy of The Gardeners Almanac UK.
Potato Onion (Allium cepa var. aggregatum)
The Potato Onion, also known as Nesting Onions or Multiplier Onions, is a member of the onion family that is reproduced primarily by division of bulbs. Continuously harvested permaculture onion once established. Similar to shallots, Potato Onions have a sharper flavor and store better. Large bulbs range from ½”-2″and can be replanted indefinitely making them more manageable than biennial onions which must be grown from seed each year. They do best in humus rich, well-drained soil and are well suited to container gardening. Photo courtesy of The Gardeners Almanac UK.