Pepper (Hot) ‘Dang Jo Cheongyang’


Dangjo Cheong Yang is a unique Asian pepper that is similar in pungency and appearance to a serrano. The fruit are purple in color and ripen to a deep dark red color. It’s uniform and easy to harvest. Outstanding yield and good ripening ability in the Pacific Northwest make this a nice addition to a hot pepper program. Photo and text courtesy of Osborne Seed Company.

Care: Plant 18-24″ apart in rows 24-30″ apart in full sun. Keep soil uniformly moist (but not waterlogged) for best production.

Dangjo Cheong Yang is a unique Asian pepper that is similar in pungency and appearance to a serrano. The fruit are purple in color and ripen to a deep dark red color. It’s uniform and easy to harvest. Outstanding yield and good ripening ability in the Pacific Northwest make this a nice addition to a hot pepper program. Photo and text courtesy of Osborne Seed Company.

Care: Plant 18-24″ apart in rows 24-30″ apart in full sun. Keep soil uniformly moist (but not waterlogged) for best production.