Onion ‘Crème Brûlée’ shallot


Hybrid “eschalion” is a standout in the kitchen. Iridescent peachy pink skin covers uniform bulbs. Also called “banana shallots,” eschalions are highly desired by chefs because their elongated bulbs are easy to peel and cut, and their sugar profile is perfectly suited for caramelizing. Long storage potential. 105 days. 2012 AAS Winner. Photo courtesy of Johnny’s Seeds.

Hybrid “eschalion” is a standout in the kitchen. Iridescent peachy pink skin covers uniform bulbs. Also called “banana shallots,” eschalions are highly desired by chefs because their elongated bulbs are easy to peel and cut, and their sugar profile is perfectly suited for caramelizing. Long storage potential. 105 days. 2012 AAS Winner. Photo courtesy of Johnny’s Seeds.