Lovage (Levisticum officinale)


Young leaves taste like celery with a hint of anise, and are used in spring tonic salads and with potato, rice, soups, and poultry dishes. Roots and young stems are also edible. Young stems can be cut, peeled, and used in salads. Stems are smooth, hollow and thick. Lovage grows best in full sun, but will tolerate part shade. 90 days.

Young leaves taste like celery with a hint of anise, and are used in spring tonic salads and with potato, rice, soups, and poultry dishes. Roots and young stems are also edible. Young stems can be cut, peeled, and used in salads. Stems are smooth, hollow and thick. Lovage grows best in full sun, but will tolerate part shade. 90 days.


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