Lemon Verbena ‘Golden Wind’ (Aloysia triphylla)


This golden-leaved variety of the tender deciduous perennial is named after the Inca tribe King of South America. The wonderfully sweet scent of the leaves is stronger than lemons and is the best of the “lemony” herbs. Leaves are strongest at the time of flowering. Both the leaves and flowers are used for culinary purposes (teas, desserts, fruit salads and jams), for perfumes and cosmetics, for potpourris and as herbal medicines. Winter hardy to USDA Zone 8-10 where it is best grown in moist, light, well-drained fertile loams in full sun. Where not winter hardy, it is grown in containers that may be overwintered indoors in bright, cool locations with minimal watering (plants lose leaves indoors) or as an annual that is replaced with new plants each spring. Grows to 2′ tall. Photo courtesy of BuyPlants.co.uk

This golden-leaved variety of the tender deciduous perennial is named after the Inca tribe King of South America. The wonderfully sweet scent of the leaves is stronger than lemons and is the best of the “lemony” herbs. Leaves are strongest at the time of flowering. Both the leaves and flowers are used for culinary purposes (teas, desserts, fruit salads and jams), for perfumes and cosmetics, for potpourris and as herbal medicines. Winter hardy to USDA Zone 8-10 where it is best grown in moist, light, well-drained fertile loams in full sun. Where not winter hardy, it is grown in containers that may be overwintered indoors in bright, cool locations with minimal watering (plants lose leaves indoors) or as an annual that is replaced with new plants each spring. Grows to 2′ tall. Photo courtesy of BuyPlants.co.uk