Lathyrus odoratus ‘Old Spice Black Knight’ Old-Fashioned Sweet Pea


Exquisite heirloom from 1898 produces handsome blooms with chocolate-bronze upper petals and purple-black wings, and a womderful old-fashioned fragrance. Flowers appear late spring and into summer on vining plants, attracting bees and hummingbirds. Vining plants grow 5-6 feet tall; provide a trellis or allow to twine through taller plants. Full sun.

Exquisite heirloom from 1898 produces handsome blooms with chocolate-bronze upper petals and purple-black wings, and a womderful old-fashioned fragrance. Flowers appear late spring and into summer on vining plants, attracting bees and hummingbirds. Vining plants grow 5-6 feet tall; provide a trellis or allow to twine through taller plants. Full sun.