Heirloom Tomato ‘Thorburn’s Terra Cotta’



Way back in 1893 James Thorburn, a famous New York seedsman, introduced a tomato and he called it Thorburn’s Terra Cotta. Thorburn claimed it was unique in many ways too, not just in color, but in flavor, keeping qualities, and even shipping.

It was long assumed Thorburn’s Terra Cotta was extinct, like many other unusual heirlooms from the 19th century. Seeds for Thorburn’s Terra Cotta reappeared in 1993 from an old farmer who was selling his ancestral property to a developer and wanted his heirlooms to find a new and safe home. But they still didn’t really make it to the market.

What exactly do you use this one for? Sliced or Sauced? Both. As a cooking tomato it creates a wonderful pumpkin-orange sauce with a nice floral aroma. Not only for fresh eating, it is excellent for sauces and other tomato cooking.

It’s a beefsteak-style tomato that’s amazing laid across a burger or sandwich, adds wonderful flavor to a salad, sauce or any meal. The unique color and huge tomato taste are best showcased and enjoyed simply.
Care: Plant 24-36″ apart in rows 3-4′ apart in full sun. Plants grow 4-6′ tall; provide a cage or trellis.


Way back in 1893 James Thorburn, a famous New York seedsman, introduced a tomato and he called it Thorburn’s Terra Cotta. Thorburn claimed it was unique in many ways too, not just in color, but in flavor, keeping qualities, and even shipping.

It was long assumed Thorburn’s Terra Cotta was extinct, like many other unusual heirlooms from the 19th century. Seeds for Thorburn’s Terra Cotta reappeared in 1993 from an old farmer who was selling his ancestral property to a developer and wanted his heirlooms to find a new and safe home. But they still didn’t really make it to the market.

What exactly do you use this one for? Sliced or Sauced? Both. As a cooking tomato it creates a wonderful pumpkin-orange sauce with a nice floral aroma. Not only for fresh eating, it is excellent for sauces and other tomato cooking.

It’s a beefsteak-style tomato that’s amazing laid across a burger or sandwich, adds wonderful flavor to a salad, sauce or any meal. The unique color and huge tomato taste are best showcased and enjoyed simply.
Care: Plant 24-36″ apart in rows 3-4′ apart in full sun. Plants grow 4-6′ tall; provide a cage or trellis.


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