Heirloom Tomato ‘Giant Oxheart’


Indeterminate. This well-named giant produces large, 12 oz. to 2 lbs., firm, meaty, heart-shaped fruits with thick walls, few seeds and a mild flavor. The vigorous vines produce high yields of fruits that mature late but are well worth the wait! 90 days.
Care: Plant 24-36″ apart in rows 3-4′ apart in full sun. Plants grow 4-6′ tall; provide a cage or trellis.

Indeterminate. This well-named giant produces large, 12 oz. to 2 lbs., firm, meaty, heart-shaped fruits with thick walls, few seeds and a mild flavor. The vigorous vines produce high yields of fruits that mature late but are well worth the wait! 90 days.
Care: Plant 24-36″ apart in rows 3-4′ apart in full sun. Plants grow 4-6′ tall; provide a cage or trellis.


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