These novelty gazanias put on a magnificent show with their large, bright flowers. Sunbathers Cremazu exhibits crested, semidouble blooms, and are specially bred to stay open at night. For best results, plant gazanias in areas that receive full sun, as shady areas can stifle the plant’s ability to fully open its blooms. Ground-hugging plants are versatile: low maintenance, waterwise and tolerant of drought and light frost. Grows to 25 inches. Photo courtesy of Jaldety.
Gazania ‘Sunbathers Cremazu’
These novelty gazanias put on a magnificent show with their large, bright flowers. Sunbathers Cremazu exhibits crested, semidouble blooms, and are specially bred to stay open at night. For best results, plant gazanias in areas that receive full sun, as shady areas can stifle the plant’s ability to fully open its blooms. Ground-hugging plants are versatile: low maintenance, waterwise and tolerant of drought and light frost. Grows to 25 inches. Photo courtesy of Jaldety.
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