Also called Blanket Flower, this gazania features large, jagged-edged orange flowers with dark centers and white spots. For best results, plant gazanias in areas that receive full sun, as shady areas can stifle the plant’s ability to fully open its blooms. Gazania are drought-tolerant and do not require much watering. Grows 6-12 inches. Photo courtesy of Jaldety.
Gazania ‘Adonis’
Also called Blanket Flower, this gazania features large, jagged-edged orange flowers with dark centers and white spots. For best results, plant gazanias in areas that receive full sun, as shady areas can stifle the plant’s ability to fully open its blooms. Gazania are drought-tolerant and do not require much watering. Grows 6-12 inches. Photo courtesy of Jaldety.
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