Argyranthemum ‘Grandaisy Dark Pink’


An irresistible Argyranthemum in a mass of beautiful carmine-pink daisy flowers with harvest gold eyes and a brilliant yellow-white ring. Bred for improved performance and bloom size. Full, vigorous plants light up the landscape with big radiant blooms. Stunning in large pots, dazzling as cut flowers. Wonderful for mixed borders and rock gardens. Perfect for all kinds of containers. Cut flowers are long-lasting in fresh bouquets. Grows to 24″ and likes full sun. Photo courtesy of Sun tory.

An irresistible Argyranthemum in a mass of beautiful carmine-pink daisy flowers with harvest gold eyes and a brilliant yellow-white ring. Bred for improved performance and bloom size. Full, vigorous plants light up the landscape with big radiant blooms. Stunning in large pots, dazzling as cut flowers. Wonderful for mixed borders and rock gardens. Perfect for all kinds of containers. Cut flowers are long-lasting in fresh bouquets. Grows to 24″ and likes full sun. Photo courtesy of Sun tory.