Digitalis purpurea ‘BeeFoxy-Series Foxybee Pink’ F1


Beautiful, compact foxglove plants with healthy, uniform foliage and striking, brightly-colored flowers that bloom in the first year. There is BEE in the name for a reason: pollinators love the speckled, bell-shaped thimbles. Growing to two feet tall, these beauties are perfect for the middle of the border, flowering container plants, and are also great as a cut flower. Perform best in bright shade in well-drained soil. Photo courtesy of Jelitto Seed.

Beautiful, compact foxglove plants with healthy, uniform foliage and striking, brightly-colored flowers that bloom in the first year. There is BEE in the name for a reason: pollinators love the speckled, bell-shaped thimbles. Growing to two feet tall, these beauties are perfect for the middle of the border, flowering container plants, and are also great as a cut flower. Perform best in bright shade in well-drained soil. Photo courtesy of Jelitto Seed.