Category Archives: Weed Control

GE/GMO: What’s The Difference?

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And Why A Safe Seed Pledge? I have written a fair amount about GMO crops and the problems associated with them. As it turns out, I really intended to be discussing GE crops. Who knew? Obviously not me. Why the … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Weed Control | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Beware The Killer Corn

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New Crops Present New Dangers This year as you shop for corn seed or starts, pay close attention to the packaging. A number of seed companies are promoting the same Roundup Ready corn seed for home growers as is already … Continue reading

Posted in fall/winter crops, Garden Prep, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Weed Control | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Bringing In The Beneficials

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Inviting Bees, Bugs and Butterflies One key to garden success is the garden’s ability to attract and host beneficial insects of many kinds. Not only will we experience better cropping as pollination rates improve, but beneficials also chase away or … Continue reading

Posted in fall/winter crops, Garden Prep, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Weed Control, Winterizing | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Weed Control Strategies

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Learn To Love Your Weeds No matter how hot, how dry, how wet, how cold–indeed, whatever the weather, the weeds seem to love it. The benign maritime Northwest is a generous host to many an unwanted import that makes itself … Continue reading

Posted in composting, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Weed Control, Winterizing | Tagged | 2 Comments