Category Archives: Vegan Recipes

We All Scream For Ice Cream

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Vegan Or Full Dairy, Many Happy Versions As my grandson’s third birthday approaches, he has asked me to help him make ice cream several times. We want to serve it at his preview party at my house (birthdays take practice … Continue reading

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Kalettes, Wasabi and Colorful Cauliflower

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Grow The Newest Trendy Foods At Home I work at the local library, a dream job if there ever was one. As I soft and shelve books, I notice that the balance of most-checked-out books is shifting from cook books … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Vegan Recipes, Winterizing | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Brightening The Bleak Midwinter

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  Feeding Body And Spirit This has been a tough winter in some ways, notably for family and dear friends struggling with physical and emotional issues. Several friends are dealing with serious illness and wounding, while others experience deep depression … Continue reading

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About That Apple A Day If your mom ever told you that eating an apple a day was a healthy habit to develop, she was right on. Apples are among my top favorite fruit, so I am always glad to … Continue reading

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