Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Cautious Sense Of Hope

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Grateful faces wearing hand made masks Mask On, Mask Off? A few days ago, a (fully vaccinated) friend gave me hug, saying, “I’ve been wanting to do that for way too long!” Though we turned our faces away from each … Continue reading

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A Soggy Solstice

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Best Ever Gingerbread Critter Recipe Pandemic Holiday Baking This has definitely been the soggiest Solstice of my experience, with relentless rain (over an inch by mid-afternoon) and whipping wind lashing the treetops, brisk cannonades of fir cones pounding on the … Continue reading

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Making Gifts From The Garden

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  Solstice lanterns light up the night Garden Alchemy During the pandemic, my local library has been offering a delightful program called Book Bundles. Library staff create little collections of books on specific themes for everyone from toddlers to seniors. … Continue reading

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Drinking In The Natural

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Pretty plant microbes benefit people too Gardening Heals The Human Spirit As days draw in and temperatures fall, the pandemic siege is beginning to wear us all down. We may find ourselves getting snippy, taking offense more readily, finding fault, … Continue reading

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