Category Archives: Uncategorized

Promoting Pollinators & Welcoming Wildness

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Pollinators love all kinds of alliums, edible and ornamental alike Making Moves & Counting Bees

 I’ve been realizing lately just how much ground I’ve given up to the pandemic. Compared with a few years ago, I spend far more time … Continue reading

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Out With The Old (Especially Condiments)

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Under the snow, the winter greens still flourish Making Room For Respair For most folks, New Year’s is all about fresh starts, at least nominally. I recently heard a cute quip: “New Years Resolutions go in one year and out … Continue reading

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Make Time For Tea

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Dried rosemary, calendula and rose petals make a lovely tea Herbal Teas For Wild Windy Days

 Got time for a cup of tea? I’m working on recipes for calming, fragrant, soothing herbals blends that take the edge off our poor … Continue reading

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Recycling Halloween Aftermath

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Homemade Plastic-Free Halloween Decorations Composting Pumpkins & Stuffing Stuffies Last night, our modest community experienced our first Halloween costume parade event. Though only a handful of our 50 homeowners put up decorations, those that did, did it with delightful gusto … Continue reading

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