Category Archives: Uncategorized

Queer Bingo & Floral Ofrendas

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Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence (and kindness!) Shifting Halloween Traditions On Saturday, the Senior Center held an uproarious, over the top Queer Bingo party as a fundraiser for queer students in arts and humanities and students with learning disabilities. It was … Continue reading

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Juneteenth, Pride, & Summer Solstice

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Juneteenth As A National Holiday Loving The Longest Day Solstices are my favorite holidays, perhaps because they’re natural, true division points that mark the ebb and swell of the year. I remember a summer solstice spent in Anchorage, when it … Continue reading

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Grow Your Own Caffeine

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Coffee, Tea Or Tisane? As cold rain beats down, I’m puttering in my little unheated greenhouse, where my new stash of caffeine plants is sheltering from the latest wild wind storm. The tea camellias should do fine once they get … Continue reading

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Of Parmesan and Pollen

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Parmesan stock adds umami depth to anything Celebrating & Sneezing As the year stretches out and natural light increases day by day, even the dreaded return of Daylight Savings can’t crush the spirit for long. Though this annual time shift … Continue reading

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