Category Archives: Uncategorized

Editing The Garden

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Knowing When To Let Go The past decade has been full of challenging weather events, from massive snowfall, ice  and wind storms to heavy rain and flooding. Summers have been equally difficult, with cool, cloudy months giving way to sudden … Continue reading

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What To Eat When Wild Winds Wail

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Speedy, Hearty Winter Soups That Satisfy When wild winds wail and drenching downpours make the armchair look especially attractive, it’s time to plan, not plant. While dreaming into this year’s garden, why not make some splendid soup? On chilly days, … Continue reading

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Cooking With Friendly Fats

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Be Not Afraid I’ve noticed this holiday season that many people make unsavory food compromises in the name of “good health.” Artificial butter, fake eggs, mistreated milks and cheeses that are reduced in natural fat, then stabilized in decidedly unnatural … Continue reading

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Putting Vegetables on the Plate

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Vegetable Jazz–Take Five Several young mothers of my acquaintance were discussing the difficulties involved in following nutritionist’s advice. Specifically, they needed help in working five servings of vegetables into their children’s daily diet. Interestingly, several grandmothers joined the conversation, saying … Continue reading

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