Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ladybug, Ladybug, Please Stick Around

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Save The Good Bugs, Blast the Bad Bugs A friend recently called to say she noticed hundreds of ladybugs crawling on her sunny windowpanes. The odd thing was that the ladybugs were on the INSIDE of the windows. What’s that … Continue reading

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Intrepid Indoor Gardening

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Handle Cactus With Care Though our maritime Northwest winter are short, there are still many days when getting out into the garden is challenging if not dispiriting. When feeling garden deprived, it’s very easy to yield to the temptation to … Continue reading

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Powerhouse Plants

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Hardworking Plants That Earn Their Place Years ago, I was so in love with perennials that I used them anywhere and everywhere. Over time, I started to dislike the blankness of perennial beds in winter and started developing mixed borders. … Continue reading

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A Winter Meditation

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  Welcoming Winter Like most gardeners, I’m a firm believer in celebration. Almost any event or occasion can be taken as an excuse both to make merry and to be consciously grateful together. The first snowdrops, the first flower on … Continue reading

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