Category Archives: Uncategorized

Better Breakfasts & Snack Bars

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Delicious, Wholesome Food For Busy Holidays I grew up hearing that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. Since I don’t really feel hungry until midmorning, I spent many years eating food I didn’t like when I didn’t … Continue reading

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Holiday Bread Wreaths

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Beautiful, Easy, Delicious At a recent women’s retreat, when asked about the most important aspects of the winter holidays, the nearly universal response was “the food!”. Holiday baking is a much loved tradition for many families, and mine is no … Continue reading

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Cold Chasing Strategies

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Granny’s Super Soups

My favorite broth packs a nutritional wallop and you can feel your body gratefully taking in the powerful healing agents. I drink it by the cupful, but if it’s stronger than you like, add a little hot water or use it in soup, where bold broth is a bonus.

Garlic Ginger Broth

1 large head garlic, chopped (peel and all)
1/2 cup chopped ginger root (peel and all)
1 large white onion, coarsely chopped, plus skins
2 cups coarsely chopped celery with greens
1 cup finely chopped carrot
1 teaspoon sea salt

Combine all ingredients with 6 cups water, bring to a boil, reduce heat to very low and simmer for 30 minutes. Cover pan, remove from heat and let stand for 30 minutes. Strain into a bowl, pressing gently on vegetables to release fluid but not hard enough to make broth murky. Makes 4-5 cups. Drink warm, use in soup, or freeze. Continue reading

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A Tale of Two Teas

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Growing Good Medicine Though I’m as big a sucker as anyone for the hottest, coolest, latest new plants, I’ve always grown a lot of traditional cottage charmers as well. In all my former gardens, borders were laced with self-sown columbines … Continue reading

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