Category Archives: Uncategorized

The More It Snows, Tiddley Pom

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Chicken Soup And Raspberry Syrup As I was shoveling and sweeping snow from my back steps and trekking along the slippery, snowy path to the mail box this morning, I found myself humming a little ditty that turned out to … Continue reading

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Protecting Plants From Heavy Snow

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Practice Your Pole Thwacking Even after several (ok four) decades in the Northwest, there are things I can’t quite get used to. I grew up in New England, the land of real snow. I remember horse-drawn sidewalk plows (really) and … Continue reading

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Defensive Gardening 101

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Protecting Your Garden From Flood & Fire As climate change affects weather patterns, gardeners need to think about gardening in new ways, including plant protection. Though Maritime Northwest winters have typically been wet and cool, this year we’ve experienced the … Continue reading

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Seasonal Treats, Savory & Sweet

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What To Do With All These Cranberries? Every year, when the first fresh cranberries arrive in the market, I buy several packages and freeze them. I love the bright splash of flavor raw cranberries bring to roasted vegetables; add them … Continue reading

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