Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lessons From The Compost Heap

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Bidens still going strong after our first frost Time For Real Change As the dust settles after the most explosive, contentious election of my lifetime, I find myself slowly unwinding, releasing tensions I wasn’t even aware of. After four years … Continue reading

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A Seasonal Offering Of Hope & Remembrance

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Natural Ofrendas celebrate seasonal beauties The Cycle Continues, The Pendulum Swings As autumn tints the leaves to auburn and old gold, mahogany and wine, I’ve been gathering armfuls and carrying them home. Since childhood, I’ve been fascinated by leaves, from … Continue reading

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Home Cured Olives

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Seville olives from California, MUCH bigger than Arbeqinas Hardy Olives For The Maritime Northwest When I told my neighbor I was brining local olives, she gave me the fish eye. Really? Her skepticism is understandable; though olive trees have long … Continue reading

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Very Unhealthy

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I Can’t See Clearly Now Wildfire season is upon us and it’s terrifying this year. In recent weeks, dozens of wildfires have ravaged West Coast states. Washington lost 626,982 acres in five days last week. Oregon and California have stopped … Continue reading

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