Category Archives: Tomatoes

Growing Tomatoes Indoors

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Given a bright, sunny spot, container-grown tomatoes often grow happily indoors. The most favorable location is a south- or west-facing window, where you can pull shades or curtains at night to keep out the cold. For best growth and best … Continue reading

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Harvesting Tomatoes, Ready Or Not

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Tip: Never store red or green tomatoes in the refrigerator, because cold converts their stored sugars to starch, destroying that tangy sweet-tart tomato flavor in short order. Continue reading

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When Autumn Comes Early To The Tomato Patch

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In much of the Northwest, this has been a tough year for tomatoes. If cold nights didn’t cause the blossoms to drop, the chill weakened stems so that unripe fruit dropped before its time. In many gardens, tomatoes formed but … Continue reading

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Saltwater On Tomato Plants

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So did the seawater drench made my tomatoes taste different? It’s hard to say for sure since the salted and unsalted partners rarely ripened at the same time, but those that got a saltwater bath did indeed taste lovely and … Continue reading

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