Category Archives: Sustainable Living

Over-Wintering Edible Tropicals

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Keep Those Tomatoes & Peppers Coming (Or Going) A friend recently sent me a link to a hot pepper-grower’s site that offered suggestions on over-wintering your pepper plants. While I haven’t tried this with peppers myself, I have over-wintered tomatoes … Continue reading

Posted in composting, fall/winter crops, preserving food, Pruning, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Tomatoes | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Vegan Breakfasts & Snack Bars

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Food For All Ages & Stages Like so many of my peers, I thought that being semi-retired would mean lots of lovely leisure. Hmm. Between caring for my aging mom and my growing grandson, my life is as full as … Continue reading

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Uncommon Basil Varieties With Savor & Snap

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Harvesting Autumnal Bounty This year, I’ve enjoyed a bumper crop of cherry tomatoes, and evidently so has everybody else. Home grown tomatoes used to disappear in minutes from staff tables or potlucks, but these days, even non-gardeners grow a tomato … Continue reading

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Safer Antibiotics and Safer Food

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Preserving Health And Well Being, Naturally I recently saw yet another article protesting the need to raise food crops organically. Really? Really?? Anybody who doubts the validity of the organic food movement is not paying attention to the daily news. … Continue reading

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