Category Archives: Sustainable Living

Curing Diseases With Tailored Composts

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The Art Of Bespoke Composts Compost gets a lot of respect these days, and rightly so; good compost truly can be ‘garden gold’. In Victorian times, when head gardeners oversaw a flock of helpers, composts were carefully blended to suit … Continue reading

Posted in Garden Prep, Nutrition, Soil, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | 2 Comments

A Plethora Of Peas

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A Summer Shower Of Snow Peas And Sugar Snaps When the first local peas appear (on my deck or at the Farmers’ Market), I prefer them raw. Sweet and crisp, their slight earthiness keeps them from tasting like candy. Extreme … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Haitian Culinary Classics For Northwestern Kitchen Gardens

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Peanuts And Sorghum And Black-Eyed Peas, Oh My One of the many reasons I love gardening in the maritime Northwest is that so many plants from all over the world are happy here. True, until recently, our summers and/or our … Continue reading

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Italian Spring Dishes Make Life Lovely

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Light And Lively Spring Sauces Add Zip To Anything As the first baby vegetables reach edible size, I find myself backing off from complex sauces in favor of speedy, garden-based ones that can do triple duty as dressings and marinades. … Continue reading

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