Category Archives: Sustainable Living

Reefer Purging

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New Year’s is all about fresh starts, which is fine by me: I can’t remember a year that didn’t include at least a few things I’d like to reframe or reconsider. However, I find it best to work up to large shifts of habit or consciousness by starting small. Thus, I decided to take on my refrigerator, home to many nameless bottles and tubs, especially in the freezer compartment. My old fridge had a top unit which my kids called The Freezer Of Death because whenever you opened it, slippery, crammed-in packages tumbled out, causing panic, discomfort, and sometimes significant pain. Continue reading

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Recycled Manure Creates Power And Great Poo

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This summer, I received a load of crap that made me very, very happy. I’ve been using aged cow manure in the garden for years, especially appreciating its soil conditioning qualities. Cow manure is weed free, thanks to cow’s multi-chambered tummies and the tiny seed-eating aphids that live in manure piles. It’s also the best top dressing I’ve ever found, looking (if not smelling) like chocolate frosting, a most handsome effect. Continue reading

Posted in Garden Prep, Nutrition, Soil, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | 1 Comment

A Soulful Solstice With Holiday Treats

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Make Your Own Organic Food Coloring

A few years ago, my home-share family came up with an ingenious way to make chemical-free colorful icing for holiday treats. After some experimenting, Stephi combined raspberry juice and beet juice to make a rosy, soft red icing that tastes fabulous. She then pureed fresh mint (recipes below) with flavorless rice oil to make a gentle green that toned perfectly with the red.
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Posted in fall/winter crops, Recipes, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Celebrating Seasonal Swings

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Learning Wisdom From Contrast Winter holidays are often tinged with sorrow, since the dwindling year so often carries away the ill and elderly. This weekend, my family gathered to celebrate my mom’s passing with music and memories. She had carefully … Continue reading

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