Category Archives: Sustainable Living

Kitchen & Garden Cures For Common Colds & More

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Colds, Flu, and You (Or Me, Anyway) Headache, check. Sore throat, check. Stuffy head, check. Drizzly nose, check. Itchy eyes, check. Earache, check. Gotta be a duck, right? Or at least one of the virulent cruds that are making the … Continue reading

Posted in fall/winter crops, Health & Wellbeing, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Grow Your Own Heritage Soup Beans

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Winter Soups From Summer Bounty Raw, windy February days cry out for soup and I am rarely without a simmering soup pot on the stove and a jar or two of split pea soup or bean chili or curry in … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, preserving food, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Protecting Pollinators At Home And Afield

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More Ways To Safeguard The Food Chain Bee friendly gardening is gaining momentum as awareness of pollinator problems becomes more widespread. The good news is that even a small patch of wholesome food and safe habitat can be of service … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, pests and pesticides, Pollinators, Soil, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Leave a comment

Vegetable Love

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Planting To Eat The minute it stops freezing at night, it feels like spring to me, and spring means planting time. Since my planting space is limited, I only plant things I love to eat fresh and use every day. … Continue reading

Posted in Early Crops, Garden Prep, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments