Category Archives: Sustainable Living

The Great Pause

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Obviously we CAN stop, because we just did. But now what? It’s my deepest hope that we don’t try to return to business as usual, and I’m pretty sure that will prove impossible anyway. Instead, we seriously need to find new ways to live and work. Today I was moved to tears (yes, again) to learn that the governors of Washington, Oregon and California announced a Western States Pact, a plan to carefully restart our shared economies, putting the health and wellbeing of all our people first. The plan is based on science-based information, in vivid contrast to the amorphous national strategies of confusion, confustication and bebotherment. Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Health & Wellbeing, Sustainable Living | Tagged | 5 Comments

Keeping In Touch Without Touching

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If you can’t dye Easter eggs, try sheep…natural dyes of course A Flurry Of Flower Fairies Today Washington State Governor Jay Inslee announced that schools will remain closed until September. A lot of other institutions and businesses will remain closed … Continue reading

Posted in Health & Wellbeing, Natural Dyes, Planting & Transplanting, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Teaching Gardening | 7 Comments

Overcoming Fear Of Food

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For now, if you find yourself slipping into food fear (or any other kind, really), put down your device, go outside and plant some greens. Really. You’ll feel better almost immediately and you’ll certainly eat better with lots of fresh greens on hand that don’t need any more decontamination than a swish in cool water and a quick spin dry. Fortunately, nurseries that grow and sell edible plants have been recognized as essential (well duh) so plants and starts are still available. Some nurseries are offering free local delivery, others are letting people call in and pay for orders, then drive through the parking lot for pick up. Take advantage of local options for everyone’s sake (we may save an industry as well as our sanity). Continue reading

Posted in Care & Feeding, Early Crops, Health & Wellbeing, Planting & Transplanting, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Bathing In Light

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Yesterday I went for my usual careful ramble around the neighborhood, seeing almost no one until I came upon a couple of older women who were perched on large cement blocks at the edge of our local farmer’s market space. Despite the watery sunshine, nobody else was in sight. The women were sitting a careful 10 feet apart and talking about how they’ve been spending their days in isolation, reading, writing, crafting, cooking. I stood another 10 feet away and we shared experiences and stories and ideas for a stimulating half hour before they stiffly got off the cold slabs to return to their homes. I kept walking for a while, thinking about how restorative positive human interactions can be and hoping I never take them for granted again. Continue reading

Posted in Health & Wellbeing, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Weed Control | 9 Comments