Category Archives: Sustainable Living

Reveling In Winter Squash and Kale

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A Week of Lovely Lethargy Over Christmas, I came down with what proved to be pneumonia (my Mom was just getting over the same complaint). For perhaps the first time in my life, I am finding lolling about to be … Continue reading

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Favorites For The Holidays

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Fortunately, satsumas need no cooking. They are marvelous just as they are, though I also love them tossed in salads. Here’s a beautiful and utterly delicious version I made a few days ago. The beet turns the satsumas and the dressing a pretty red and the ingredients have a lovely balance of earthy-sweet-salty-crunchy…yum. Continue reading

Posted in Recipes, Sustainable Living, Weed Control, Winterizing | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment