Category Archives: Sustainable Living

Spring Chickens

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When Smarter Means Better My favorite local grocery store features Smart Chickens, organically grown, uncaged birds that have been fed a balanced, nutritious diet and allowed to roam freely. Unlike most commercially grown chickens, these are plump without being watery … Continue reading

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Celebrating Spring Tenderness

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Amazing Asparagus When it’s still too cold and wet to plant much in mid-April, the wise gardener finds comfort in the kitchen. Among spring’s great gifts is fresh, local asparagus, not airlifted in from gigantic water sucking agribusinesses in Peru … Continue reading

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Think Of Weeding As Great Exercise

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Spring Has Sprung A Leak As I write this, hail and slush splat fitfully against my windows. True to form, April is bringing showers of various kinds to smash and puncture the unfolding foliage and flowers of May. Ah, Spring, … Continue reading

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Spring Rhubarb Recipes

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Reveling In Rhubarb Sorbet Even in a cold year like this, by early April the garden is waking up and stretching. Herbs abound, greens are coming on fast, and asparagus is finally big enough to pick. Finding the year’s first … Continue reading

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