Category Archives: Sustainable Living

Slugs And Snails And A Stout Cup Of Coffee

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Slugs In Trees This week, I’ve been pruning overgrown shrubs, thinning out the oldest trunks and removing crowded branches to allow more light and air to reach to core of the plant. I was amazed to see that where the … Continue reading

Posted in Pets & Pests In The Garden, Soil, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , | 2 Comments

A Whiff of Smoke And Autumn Is Here

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Roasting To Boost Flavor This was not the best year for many crops, but my, the peas were good. In fact, I’m still getting some from the August planting, which faltered in the belated, sudden heat, but are now having … Continue reading

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Weed Control Strategies

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Learn To Love Your Weeds No matter how hot, how dry, how wet, how cold–indeed, whatever the weather, the weeds seem to love it. The benign maritime Northwest is a generous host to many an unwanted import that makes itself … Continue reading

Posted in composting, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Weed Control, Winterizing | Tagged | 2 Comments

What To Do With Perfect Peaches

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Sweet and Savory Summer Salads This summer’s crop of peaches seem to be the most succulent ever. Courtesy of kind friends, we’ve been eating August Pride peaches by  the boxful, and I’m happily exploring new ways to enjoy them. I … Continue reading

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