Category Archives: Sustainable Living

Feasting on Fresh Tomatoes

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It’s Finally Tomato Time After a slow start, the tomatoes are ripening fast and are they ever good. Along with those tasty tomatoes, my little deck garden is packed with produce these days, with bushy basil (now on its third … Continue reading

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Of Raspberries Sweet And Savory

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Enjoying Summer’s Berry Bounty This was a terrific year for raspberries and my freezer is full, as is my jam shelf. As the next wave of berries begins, my thoughts are turning to more savory treatments for my favorite fruit. … Continue reading

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Fresh Pestos From the Garden

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A Parade Of Pestos The first time I tasted a pesto, I was nineteen years old, studying in Italy at an art academy in Perugia. My friends were all art student or starving artists so we often made dinners for … Continue reading

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Turning Corn To Summer Gold

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Corn Pudding: The Evolution of a Recipe I am often asked how I think up all the recipes I have offered over the years. Usually, the inspiration is whatever fresh produce and herbs look the best in the garden or … Continue reading

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