Category Archives: Sustainable Gardening

Stay Strong, Eat Real Honey

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Avoid adulterated honey; buy local! Calming And Decluttering Like so many people, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and battered by the news lately. If breaking news is breaking your spirit, take a break and focus on something positive. While reading through … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Color, Butterfly Gardens, Care & Feeding, Garden Prep, Gardening With Children, Health & Wellbeing, Nutrition, pests and pesticides, Plant Diversity, Pollination Gardens, Pollinators, Recipes, Social Justice, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

New Year Noticing

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Soup as soothing soul food Shining Light On Seasonal Swings Happy New Year, right? Or, perhaps, not so much? As the holidays recede, I’m feeling flat, stale, and vaguely sorrowful, restless but lacking energy. Many friends and neighbors are sharing … Continue reading

Posted in Care & Feeding, Health & Wellbeing, Native Plants, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

How To Nurture Hummingbirds

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Young artist’s view of beautiful birds Hummingbird Happiness Like most people, we have had very quiet holidays, which turn out to suit us surprisingly well. On Friday morning my brother and I companionably texted back and forth, exchanging images and … Continue reading

Posted in Care & Feeding, Garden Design, Gardening With Children, Health & Wellbeing, Native Plants, Nutrition, Plant Diversity, Pollination Gardens, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Winterizing | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Holiday Habits And Highlights

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A pandemic quilt in progress Potato Leek Soup, With Gratitude As a child, I always enjoyed the way that autumn and early winter seasons are spangled with holidays that brighten the darkening days and lengthening nights. However, as I’ve been … Continue reading

Posted in fall/winter crops, Hardy Herbs, Health & Wellbeing, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Vegan Recipes | Tagged , | 4 Comments